Welcome to Liberty Education and Settlement Services Inc canada flag

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Toronto, CA
canada flag O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see three rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Interpersonal and Social Skills

Sr. Program Name Institute Name Level Province City Country
1 Associate Certificate in Conflict Coaching justice institute of british colombia certificate British Columbia new westminster Canada
2 Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with Concentration in Counselling Studies (3 or 4 years) canadian mennonite university Bachelor degree Manitoba winnipeg Canada
3 Bachelor of Community Development acadia university Bachelor degree Nova Scotia wolfville Canada
4 Certificate in Advanced Leadership for Congregations booth university college certificate Manitoba winnipeg Canada
5 Certificate in Applied Leadership booth university college certificate Manitoba winnipeg Canada
6 Client Relations lambton college of applied arts and technology certificate Ontario sarnia Canada
7 Community Integration Through Co-operative Education confederation college of applied arts and technology certificate Ontario fort frances, kenora, thundar bay Canada
8 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Certificate northern alberta institute of technology certificate Alberta edmonton Canada
9 Diploma in Applied Leadership columbia bible college Diploma British Columbia abbortsfort Canada
10 Leadership Development Series lambton college of applied arts and technology certificate Ontario sarnia Canada
11 Leadership Skills Certificate okanagan college certificate British Columbia kelowna, penticoton, vernon Canada
12 Lean Six Sigma conestoga college institute of technology and advance learning certificate Ontario kitchener Canada
13 Professional Ethics humber college of applied arts and technology certificate Ontario Toronto Canada
14 University Studies Diploma ambrose university Diploma Alberta calgary Canada
15 Workplace Essential Skills and Training Program Certificate vancover island university certificate British Columbia duncan, nanaimo Canada